The story behind the viral photo of a teacher in Ghana showing students Windows on a blackboard Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu February 28, 2018 Viral sensation and tech hero. There has been global applause for a teacher in Ghana who posted photos of himself drawing on a blackboard with multi-colored chalk, the features of a Microsoft Word processing window. The students in his class can also be seen drawing it into their notebooks. Social media exploded in admiration and wonder at his effort to explain how computers work—without computers. Richard Appiah Akoto, 33, is the information and communication technology (ICT) teacher at Betenase M/A Junior High School in the town of Sekyedomase, about two and half hours drive north of Ghana’s second city, Kumasi. The school has no computers even though since 2011, 14 and 15-year-olds are expected to write and pass a national exam (without which students cannot progress to high school) with ICT being one of the subjects. “This is no...